2022 Holiday sales valid until 12/31 @ midnight
•Blog Site Placements of single, video, album, press release etc.. $1 each (content must be the same per every 10 post, min order 10, max order 50)
•25 minute live in studio interview with full length video on The Industries Most Wanted podcast $125 [example interview]
•Single Placement on DJ Distribution site Virdiko.com (over 6K DJs) $50
•30 days radio play (The Hype 87.3 and Power 107.6) $25 per station
•Written interview $10 (placed on IndustriesMostWanted.com)
•Full Page interview or Ad in The Grynd Report magazine $55 (includes 1 hard copy mailed) view prev issues http://www.thegryndreport.com/category/magazine/
•Front Cover of The Grynd Report magazine plus 2 full page interview and 3 hard copies $300
•Single or Video write up $40 (placed on TheGryndReport.com & emailed back to you on a Word doc)
•Front page feature of your music, video, business etc on HiphopAndHype.com for 72 hours $40
•20 minute live phone interview w/ TampaMystic $25 (The Hype 87.3)
•20 minute live virtual video interview w/ TampaMystic on multiple platforms $50 (Facebook, Twitch, YouTube)
•Single / Video Review on Industries Most Wanted Podcast hosted by TampaMystic & ShahCypha (Video posted on IG & audio uploaded to iHeartRadio, Spotify podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, TuneIn, OverCast & more $45
•Post on @TampaMystic IG Story w/ Swipe up $10 per post
•Video S/O from TampaMystic playing your song $20 (added @TampaMystic IG story for 24 hours)
•Post on HipHopSince1987.com $100 [must provide write up or pay for one]
– In person interviews are in the Atlanta area.
– Radio play choices The Hype 87.3 & Power 107.6 The Truth (we are licensed with Ascap and report with Digital Radio Tracker. Purchase up to 3 months at this price)
Turn around time 3-5 days on blogs. All other services must be used within 45 days of purchase.
Apple Pay: 470-967-7185
- http://www.thegryndreport.com
- http://www.mysticsent.com
- http://www.hustleandgrynd.com
- http://www.tampamystic.com
- http://www.hiphopandhype.com
- http://www.barsandmixtapes.com
- http://www.shahcypha.com
- http://streetsonpoint.com
- http://hiphoprapscene.com
- http://mzonpointpromo.com
- http://www.myhiphoplife.com
- http://itsagtv.com
- http://www.indyhrr.com
- http://www.onthesceneny.com
- http://www.vaticanmixtapes.com
- theleakqueen.blogspot.com
- artrevsolpr.blogspot.com
- audiolean.blogspot.com
- backstreetohffical.blogspot.
com - beatsandbars.blogspot.com
- musicconnoisseurs.blogspot.com
- ceezworld.com
- digitaldopeaudiokrack.
blogspot.com - globalgrynd.blogspot.com
- gryndtoshine.blogspot.com
- highvolumehiphop.blogspot.com
- hiphopgrynd.blogspot.com
- hiphopsavvy.blogspot.com
- hustleforrap.blogspot.com
- industryhustle.blogspot.com
- mixtapetrapping.blogspot.com
- mtbmb.blogspot.com
- ohfficialmusic.blogspot.com
- ohfficialshitonly.blogspot.com
- popularkidzpromo.blogspot.com
- promovaticanradio.com
- rapheadquarters.blogspot.com
- rewindmixtapes.blogspot.com
- theshowoutspot.blogspot.com
- smokedoutradio.blogspot.com
- southernfuego.blogspot.com
- southernfuegoradio.blogspot.
com - theknockspottapes.blogspot.com
- stonermusiconly.blogspot.com
- streethitters.blogspot.com
- tapeexpress100.blogspot.com
- themusichustle.blogspot.com
- thestreetlogic.blogspot.com
- tillydevine.blogspot.com
- trappinghiphop.blogspot.com
- undergroundmovers.blogspot.com
- wegryndformusic.blogspot.com
- www.worldwrapfederation.com
- www.teambiggarankin.com
- www.coolrunningdjs.com
- www.mediahipster.weebly.com
- www.vaticanvip.com
- www.playmyish.weebly.com
- www.tapewerk.weebly.com
- www.theexclusiveplug.weebly.
com - https://wetrapmusic.blog/
- www.Hoodillustrated.com
- www.platinumindies.com
- www.thehiphophustleblog.
wordpress.com - www.tent-tv.com
- www.stateofhip-hop.com
- https://
industryentrepreneursnetwork. blogspot.com - https://built4hiphop.blogspot.
com - https://gryndcertified.
blogspot.com - https://heatofthestreets.
blogspot.com - https://hiphop4thestreets.
blogspot.com - https://postmyfresh.blogspot.
com - https://streetwav.blogspot.com
- platinumloveshiphop.com
- https://platinumpromo.
- https://hood-x.ning.com/
- https://nastymix.ning.com/
- https://superstarcentral.ning.
- https://blessthemicmagazine.
- https://thehypemusicgroup.com/