Najee Rosekush – Rose Emoji | @Najeerosekush

Music, Promo

New artist blossoms to the world with single ‘Rose Emoji’

JACKSON, MS – It started with a furlough in Hollywood and a walk down the boulevard with
some of his military buddies. On a whim, Brandon Laury-McArthur decided to buy roses and
hand them out to all the pretty girls he saw along the boulevard. Though he only got one girl to
kick it with him that evening, that maneuver caused his friends to start referring to him as
Hollywood Rose … and the name stuck with a sense of synchronistic irony.

He parlayed that name and that experience into a full-fledged identity, adopted the moniker
Najee Rosekush, and used the symbolism of roses as a drug in both his personal style and his
music. He said he put kush at the end because “an ex-lover said it was easy and dangerous to get emotionally attached to him. To them I was like an addictive drug that should be avoided.”
That’s the meaning behind his logo. After finishing his contract with the Marine Corps in 2015,
he said he initially transited into a toxic lifestyle of abuse: from drugs, violence, and petty
hustles. After coming out of the fog in 2016 and becoming disillusioned from spending all his
money, he made a promise that he will stop wasting his potential on chasing “illusions” and
dedicate his time to pursuing his dream of having a career in the Music industry. And today he is
ready to release his music to the world, starting with the first single, “Rose Emoji.”

“The rose is a symbol that has always been present in my life,” he said. “Almost all the women
in my family has Rose in their name – my mom’s name is Rose, and my sister’s name is Amelia
Rose. It stems from my great-grandmother and became a tradition. But of course, that experience from the military made me adopt it for myself, but to me, the rose means so much more. It represents that you’re blooming and blossoming to the world around you and that you don’t have to be perfect. I was super introverted at one point and now people know me for being introverted and confident. I believe the world is a rose – no matter what you’re going through, you can always put on a positive mental attitude, but much deeper than this, even though the world isn’t perfect, we can find beauty in the chaos. That’s what my life has been. No matter how far down I got, I always came out on top. I kept a positive attitude and played the cards I was given. And I want people to see the beauty in the world. Everyone has a dream, everyone has a unique gift. I speak to this side of them, the damaged but beautiful side, that’s unabridged and chaotic. The side that society is trying to flush out of us, or mold into the fake images we see around us. I cant to bring integration. Everything is teeming around us and life is beautiful. It might be dark at times, but you gotta find the beauty in the darkness. At the same time you can’t be too idealistic. You have to also be realistic. Every rose has its thorns, nothing will ever be perfect. But even in those dark moments there are ways to be happy and that’s what I want people to know with my music. Perfection is unattainable, and we don’t have to chase its shadow.”

“Rose Emoji” is a song that he said was somewhat born from those cumulative ideas he
developed and his pursuit of passing happiness along to anyone he meets, especially women. He said any time a girl texts him good morning, he almost always responds by sending them a rose emoji. And he does it, he said, because he likes to play games a little.

“This song is like that in the sense that it’s a colorful song about blooming to the world and
being on top of your game,” he said. “A lot of people stay within their shells and refuse to evolve
from it, they paint the shell but don’t nourish what’s inside. I want to inspire confidence while
people listen to the song. This song encourages them to bloom, to be themselves and go out into the world and experience it without getting attached to it because everything is changing. You gotta stay connected to your own thing, your own culture, and yourself. Cultivate yourself, don’t be afraid to be who you are. We live in a world that is constantly trying to mold us to be something or someone we are not but you gotta stay down and true to the game. Life is all about evolving, and you can’t evolve if you out here pretending or living behind a permanent mask. Although we change daily, a cub becomes a lion, not a hippo. Your mind creates your reality by the visions and images you conjure and concoct up there. That what Rose Emoji means for me, I can have it all and that’s what I’m going to go after because I want a piece of the action.”

Like most of his music, Rosekush describes “Rose Emoji” as “a synergetic dance between
complexity and simplicity, the type of songs you can listen and chill to while getting mentally
invigorated. I make music for introverts who occasionally get lit.” He said he makes songs that
are deeply introspective but intensely bittersweet in which he hopes will cause people to pause
and ponder. He loves language and wordplay, though he also appreciates a song that keeps it
simple, so people can just vibe while enjoying the music. So, while most of his music is lyrical
and perfect for “sitting down and thinking about the Game,” he also creates music that lets
people “get lit, loosen up, and lose themselves to the lyrics.”

“This song is like that in the sense that it’s a colorful song about blooming to the world and
being on top of your game,” he said. “A lot of people stay within their shells and refuse to evolve
from it, they paint the shell but don’t nourish what’s inside. I want to inspire confidence while
people listen to the song. This song encourages them to bloom, to be themselves and go out into the world and experience it without getting attached to it because everything is changing. You gotta stay connected to your own thing, your own culture, and yourself. Cultivate yourself, don’t be afraid to be who you are. We live in a world that is constantly trying to mold us to be something or someone we are not but you gotta stay down and true to the game. Life is all about evolving, and you can’t evolve if you out here pretending or living behind a permanent mask. Although we change daily, a cub becomes a lion, not a hippo. Your mind creates your reality by the visions and images you conjure and concoct up there. That what Rose Emoji means for me, I can have it all and that’s what I’m going to go after because I want a piece of the action.”

Like most of his music, Rosekush describes “Rose Emoji” as “a synergetic dance between
complexity and simplicity, the type of songs you can listen and chill to while getting mentally
invigorated. I make music for introverts who occasionally get lit.” He said he makes songs that
are deeply introspective but intensely bittersweet in which he hopes will cause people to pause
and ponder. He loves language and wordplay, though he also appreciates a song that keeps it
simple, so people can just vibe while enjoying the music. So, while most of his music is lyrical
and perfect for “sitting down and thinking about the Game,” he also creates music that lets
people “get lit, loosen up, and lose themselves to the lyrics.”

To listen to Najee Rosekush’s music, or to follow him on social media, please visit:

Rich Tone – Demons | @RichToneNation

Artist Showcase, Music, Promo

Rich Tone overcomes pains from past be illuminating truth through music

BRONX, NY – Before every recording session in the studio, Anthony “Rich Tone” Salvatierra
recites a mantra he learned after the passing of his grandmother, Maria Gomera.
“I have the cut,” he said. “Now it’s time to open the wound, throw alcohol on it, and make it

Growing up in the Bronx, New York with a Dominican mother, Rich Tone never had it easy. He
was raised by a single mother with the help of his grandmother and cousin, Marlene Gomera.
As a teenager, he wasn’t your typical High School student for he was always in and out of trouble. At the age of 15, he had his first felony for robbery. Police brutality along with the K9
bite mark on his right leg and a bruised face, left a big impact in his life.

He recalls sleeping in overcrowded apartments with heaters going out and using the stove to
heat up water just to take a warm shower. And it was during those years growing up that his
mother, his cousin and especially his grandmother left a major impression on his life. They
taught him to chase his dreams, to always try, and if he was going to fail, then he should at least
fail big.

So when his grandmother passed away a few years back, the cut of pain was deep. But he knew
from her life lessons to him over the years that he needed to tap into that pain and bring it out
and share it with the world. She became the reason he dove head-first into music. And today he
dedicates much of his music to her and the other women in his life who have left such a big

His new EP, “The Obstacle,” is a testament to that journey and the many challenges he’s
overcome. The six-song project features trap music mixed with soul, and nods not only to the
musical influences of his life – such as Jay Z – but also his own heritage and the unique sound
and style that he hopes to bring to the table.

“I don’t find myself too unique, I would just say that I have an ambition and hunger that you
don’t see in too many people,” he said. “I grind and chase goals and face anything head on. I
saw my mom and grandmother struggle – I saw the pain in their lives. And a lot of that has
been reflected into my life, and through it I’ve come out learning. It has helped me to develop a
sort of ‘Fuck It’ syndrome. And that’s what I hope my music becomes for others – that
motivation that you hear before going to work to help you get through your own everyday
struggles. My music is motivation to keep going.”

Though this new project is one that he knows will help him make a mark on the industry, he
isn’t a rookie to music. By age 24 he had started a team called Street Prodigy, while also
releasing his first single called “Shooters.” The single saw modest success and has helped him
push his career further. “The Obstacle” is his next musical offering, and it’s one that he said he
knows more fans will embrace.

To listen to Rich Tone’s music, or to follow him on social media, please visit:

Qwestion – Like OJ | @Qwestionde

Music, Promo

Hip-Hop Artist Qwestion?! Releases New Hit Single “Like OJ”

LOS ANGELES, CA – Ultra talented hip-hop artist Qwestion?! is here to deliver
the answer through his creative lyrics and songs. Growing up in Chicago, the
artist encountered some tough times throughout his younger years, and looked to
music as an outlet. After discovering the amount of comfort he received from hip-
hop music, Qwestion?! knew his pursuit of a musical career was only destiny.

What started out as the artist recording bars on his phone later blossomed into
something much more substantial and serious. As an adolescent, Qwestion?!
learned how to play a variety of instruments, such as the bass guitar, violin and
saxophone, which he now incorporates into his musical production. This wide
variety of sound and fusion is on definitely display in his latest single “Like OJ”.
The artist is excited to share his newest work with the world, as he delivers a
message through his captivating lyrics.

The single has an uplifting tone behind it fused with a grimy flair, as Qwestion?!
puts his own signature spin on it. “There’s a lot of people who don’t want to see
me win,” said the artist. “I’m out here telling them that I’m going to win regardless.

Nothing can stop me at this point. So, that’s kind of where I’m coming from in the
approach I took with ‘Like OJ’.” It’s safe to say that this rings true, as the artist
has no plans to stop the music any time soon. In fact, he’s been steadily gearing
up to drop his new mixtape, “The Falling Up Theory”. Fans can expect a release
in the coming months.

Qwestion?! is truly a one of a kind artist, and puts a great deal of emphasis on
what he is currently vibing with in his life. He is inspired and influenced by hip-
hop’s golden age, in which he showcases within his current, new-age musical
aesthetic. “There’s definitely multiple aspects to my music when it comes to style.
I think my favorite aspect is how I groove with the beat. Flow is very important,”
said Qwestion?!. At this rate, it won’t come by surprise if the artist is nominated
for a Grammy one day.

“Like OJ” is available on all digital platforms, so make sure to give it a listen and
watch the visual below:

Tommy-G – Mr. Popular | @TommyGFFMG

Music, Promo

Irish hip-hop artist bares soul through witty wordplay with new album, ‘Worship No Idols’

IRELAND – Finding a genuine hip-hop artist in Ireland would be like stumbling upon one of the
rarest gems in the world. Tommy-G is that rare diamond. With a combination of groovy beats, old-school samples and witty wordplay, Tommy-G’s music is the kind of once-in- a-lifetime sound that hip-hop lovers are going to embrace all over the world.

This 20-year- old upcoming hip-hop artist from a small town between Dublin and Belfast has
been making music for five years and has just founded his own independent record label,
Finding Forever Music Group. After releasing a slew of songs on Soundcloud as part of his now
recognized “Winter Warm-Up Series,” he released his debut mixtape “Visions of Immortality” in
April 2016. The lead single from that project, “Wherever My Spirit Roams,” racked up more
than 15,000 views – quite a feat for a hip-hop artist from a country that has little to do with the

“There is no hip-hop scene in Ireland,” he said. “There’s a huge amount of talent, but no viable
support from higher ups in record labels. I feel like one of the things that set me apart is the
level of honesty I’m showing. No one is really telling stories like I’m telling. And that’s what I
love about hip-hop – you can tell your truth. I always felt like when I was listening to some of
my favorite artists, they were all talking to you about their truth. Hip-hop can encompass both
melody and lyrics in a way that communicates better than any other medium. It’s talking about
honesty and truth and baring your soul on a record for thousands of people to listen. I’ve
always admired other people’s ability to do that – to be naked with their thoughts. I realize
these thoughts that I have are like that, and I want to try to portray them in my music in the
same ways.”

His most recent attempt to do that is with the release of his first album, “Worship No Idols.” It
comes out on Feb. 16, and for three days after being made available for pre-order it was the
No. 1 album on iTunes … only to be knocked off by the release of Justin Timberlake’s new

“Worship No Idols” features 12 tracks that embrace a sound that Tommy-G describes as
“soulful base that goes back to the core of hip-hop.” He worked closely with a producer known
as WHSPR, and turned to features from some other Irish artists for background vocals or
additions to songs. He also based all of the sampling on old soul records that he remembers
listening to as a child.

“Really, I wanted to bring it back to what made me fall in love with hip-hop in the first place,”
he said. “There are a few up-tempo songs, and a few that are more slowed-down with
storytelling. There outro features a spoken word piece from an amazing spoken word artist, and
the intro is really upbeat. And it’s a concise album – I’m telling you so much that I don’t want it to be over-encumbered. I want you to want to go back and listen to it again and again.”

To listen to Tommy-G’s music, or to follow him on social media, please visit: idols/1330039403

Brittany Espinoza – Let Me Go | @NotBrittMusic

Music, Promo


Orange County Singer Brittany Espinoza Releases First Single “Let Me Go”

LOS ANGELES, CA – Singer/songwriter Brittany Espinoza is definitely on the
rise in the Orange County music scene. Ever since she first picked up the guitar
for the first time at age 13, she has yet to put it down. Her passion for music was
ignited at such a young age, and she continues to fervently pursue it in her daily
life. When hearing Espinoza’s music for the first time, you would never guess that
she used to experience a wave of nervousness when it came to sharing her
music. Now that she has discovered and polished her signature sound, the
singer is ready to share her music with the world.

Espinoza is excited to announce her first single “Let Me Go”, which showcases
her incredible vocal range and artistic ability. “It’s kind of been a journey in a way,
where I was kind of afraid to sing in front of other people and expose myself as an artist. So in releasing my first single, it’s kind of like me overcoming that fear,”
said the singer. With such a versatile, talented artist like Espinoza, it’s no
surprise that the feedback generating around “Let Me Go” has been
overwhelmingly positive.

When asked about the inspiration and story behind the single, Espinoza tells us
exclusively. “It’s basically an experience I went through. I’m basically detached
from the situation now. But it’s the story of two people who were friends, and I
was kind of in a grey area where it didn’t work out how I wanted. The person just
wanted to be friends, and not pursue a commitment,” said the artist. In navigating
her own life experiences, no matter the magnitude, Espinoza creatively
transforms them into a lyrical masterpiece.

This is only the beginning for Brittany Espinoza, as she spends a lot of time in the
studio working on her upcoming projects. The singer is not only hands-on when it
comes to the content, but as well as the production behind it. She’s pretty much
the jack-of- all-trades, if you ask us. Her plan is to release a new single every
other month, which fans should get really excited about. Day by day, Espinoza
makes her mark in the music industry, and can’t wait to share her new music with
the world. Who knows, you may find Espinoza on a stage near you in the near

Make sure to follow Brittany Espinoza on her social media below!

***Brittany’s Photo by Laura Nuno (@bylauranuno)

Memphis native Dj Memphis 10 drops new single “Busy” | @Djmemphis10

Industry Spotlight, Music, Promo

Memphis Tenn. is home to a number of artists like: Young Dolph, 8 Ball & MJG, Money Bag Yo, & Yo Gotti. However, going in to 2018 we have a new artist to add to the roster, South Memphis native Dj Memphis 10.

Dj Memphis 10 came thru with a new track for the people titled “Busy” which is now available on iTunes and all major music outlets. The bass heavy production combined with exhilarating lyrics makes this a certified banger to smoke and vibe or to ride to in the whip. 

Press play and follow the movement below!

Catch up wit Dj Memphis 10 online.

Twitter | @Djmemphis10
Instagram | @Djmemphis10
Web | @Djmemphis10

JF The Force – Wiggle It prod.(Bruce24K) | @JTheForce

Music, Promo

New single ‘Wiggle It’ from JF The Force is sure to be the nation’s next hot club song

LOS ANGELES, CA – There’s a reason LA-based rapper Jordan Fields is better known as The
Force. Anyone who hears his music feels the force of power and excellence that comes from his
sick beats, strong lyrics and powerful hooks.

His new single, “Wiggle It,” is a perfect example. He describes it as a more mature song for a
more mature audience, with themes circling around sex, love and having a good time. The
upbeat vibe and catchy hook make it the perfect club banger, but The Force said he hopes fans
will love it so much that they’ll want to play it whenever and wherever.

“I wrote it when I was feeling a certain kind of way about a girl,” The Force said. “It’s kind of an
‘in-the- moment’ type of song. More than anything it’s based off the vibe I got when I heard the
beat. It took about a week to write and it was a pretty hard record. The first time I did it, it
didn’t come out the way I wanted it to. It was one of those songs that I just had to leave along
and then come back to it, and when I did and re-recorded it, it came out really good. Overall it’s
just a fun song.”

The song was produced by The Force’s long-time friend, Bruce 24K, who he has collaborated
with on multiple songs over the past couple of years. The two were childhood friends who
attended church together before JF moved away. When JF got older and came out to Hollywood looking for a producer who was solid and consistent, he discovered that Bruce was a

“I found him on Instagram and heard some of his beats and fell in love with it,” JF said. “I love
working with him because he has a way of showcasing my diversity. This new single is just one
example of what I can bring. You’ll never hear the same sound on a single project that I put

A new music video for “Wiggle It” is slated to be released by the end of January. True to the
tone and theme of the song, the video will take place mostly in a club and feature The Force in
the midst of a hopping party. It was shot at The Reserve in Los Angeles.

The Force said “Wiggle It” is just one of a handful of new singles coming out in the coming
months. Next on his slate is a dance song that he’s hoping to finish by the end of the month.
He’s also working hard at continuing to advance the independent label of which he is a co-
owner. Love Records includes The Force, Pricey, Angel Frsh, Me and Tra Prince.

“We called it Love Records because all of us are about spreading love and positivity,” The Force
said. “We’re really trying to be different from everybody else, and by doing so we want to take
over this music industry with our vibes and our energy.”

To listen to The Force’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:

[Video] Wibby White – Optimistic | @TheRealWibbyWhite

ME Blog, Music, Promo, Videos

Wibby White finds success internationally with new EP “Optimistic”

MIAMI, FL – If you’re looking for an artist who perfectly combines sounds from today, yesterday
and tomorrow, look no further than Wibby White.

The Miami, Florida native has been making music for a few years and is beginning to make a
name for himself internationally. His most recent EP, “Optimistic,” has garnered a lot of
attention and radio play across Europe – so much so that he has become an international
Phenom through organization, unsolicited airplay. With songs like “Black Disco Baby,” “Do You
Really Want to Hurt Me (remix),” “Move (feat. Ms. Jha Jha),” “I Just Wanna Be Your Everything
(feat. Flykidd Jr),” and “Optimistic (ext. Club mix) ft. DJ Bryan Reyes,” Wibby White is leaving an
indelible impression on listeners all over the world.

His most recent album, “Black Disco,” is also catching the attention of listeners all over the U.S.
And with a sound as unique as his, it makes sense that so many people would sit up and take
notice. Self-described as a unique blend of retro, disco, soul and pop – Wibby White’s style is
one-of- a-kind.

“I am not afraid of myself or my influences, as it relates to what’s on radio today,” he said. “I
am very eclectic, and I’m not afraid of what other people’s perception is of me. Correct or
incorrect, I know how to let them have their way.”

Though music is something Wibby White has always had a passion for, it was the business side
of the industry that first attracted him. He attended the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale College
in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, studying the music video side of the industry. After college he
started his own production company, Pandemonium Productions Worldwide, and four years
later had released his first full-length album, “The Trendsetter.” Since then he has continued to
make his own music while also helping new and aspiring young artists find their own voice.
“Understanding business and being a businessman, I’ve come to the conclusion that no one
owns the music industry,” White said. “The music industry is you and me – the independent
artist, the manager, the producer, the songwriter, etc. If you know your business, get in where
you fit in. And that’s what I did.”

His success in 2017 made that year one of the best in his career. “Optimistic” is something that
he’s particularly proud of and he’s thrilled to see it gain so much attention internationally. The
project explores themes of pop and soul through the lens of an “upbeat, sophisticated night
life.” White describes the lyrics as positive and motivational, with subjects talk about pride,
individuality and freedom. In many ways he said his music today is an eclectic mix of his favorite
sounds, the work he’s done over the years and the many artists who have inspired him
throughout his life.

As White continues to ride the waves of success following the release of “Optimistic,” he’s also
hard at work on new music. He said he hopes to release a new single in the spring of 2018
called “Soo Alone.”

“It will be my first mid-temp R&B song,” he said. “The video will be epic and will be available on
my YouTube Channel, Wibby White YouTube. It will also be available at”

To listen to Wibby White’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:

Chicago native releases his new single just in time for the New Year!

Blog, Music, Promo

Chicago’s underground King C.K.G. is back with a new anthem, “Savage

The ASCAP plus, Los Angeles music award winning artist, producer, writer, hits us with a cinematic anthem in the vein of a Kanye West’s “Power”. The track is hard hitting, powerful, it details the struggle of life, and how it made C.K.G. go ALL OUT.

With notable lyrics like, “I’m feeling smothered, got it covered like a face mask/credit score a 700 something, they don’t take CASH!”, C.K.G. lets you know how he handles adversity, and the reality of the world, that credit means more than you think!

To hear the song, check out the lyric video below. Please support and purchase C.K.G.’s latest single “Savage” if you like it, we have the iTunes link below for you.

C.K.G. – Savage (Click to Purchase on iTunes)

C.K.G. Social Media Links

[Video] Kelz Kelz – Bleezy | @Kelzo520

ME Blog, Music, Promo, Videos

Kelz’s personal life transformation shared through her music is inspiring millions nationwide

CLEVELAND, OH – No matter how many people say you can’t do something… do what you can
to be comfortable with yourself.

That’s the life motto of new Cleveland, Ohio artist Kelz. And it’s the theme behind her new
single “Bleezy,” which dropped on Dec. 11 on all digital distribution sites. It’s a song that she
said takes a close look into her personal life and opens up about her transition from a “really
girly girl” to being a “big tomboy.”

“The song and video stars with me looking very feminine in the beginning,” Kelz said. “But then
I go into the bathroom and dress as a tomboy. Both in the video and in the song I do it to be
comfortable in my own skin. And that’s what I want to represent with my music to other
people. Be yourself no matter what. Do what feels good to you. Since I’ve started making that
kind of music and releasing it, I’ve been surprised by the amount of people who have hit me up saying I inspire them. That’s crazy to me, but it’s a good feeling. The idea of being myself
making others want to be themselves is crazy.”

Though Kelz is enjoying some strong success now – including recently signing with
WattsyMusicEnt for representation – her journey hasn’t always been this enjoyable. Kelz comes
from a rough background on the streets of Cleveland. It’s a rough background that eventually
landed her in prison for three years. But once she got out she pursued a path that would turn
her dark past into a bright future. She said she picked up music as a hobby after discovering
early on in life that she had a knack for poetry and wordplay. When she got out of prison, she
needed something positive to focus on in order to stay out of trouble. Her hobby with music
soon became her passion, and ever since then she’s been slowly building a fanbase of others
who also love her music and her perspective.

In just two years of making music, she has already gained the attention of millions of listeners.
Her single “Bodak Yellow Remix” went viral with 2 million views on Facebook in 2017. With zero
family support, she managed to take over the entire Ohio Valley in the matter of a year –
winning a total of four OVHH Awards, including: Artist of the Year, Video of the Year, Best
EP/Album and Best Duo. She has also had the opportunity to open up for Corey Gunz, DJ Unk,
Waka Flaka, Montana Of 300, Lil Reese and at the Yemipalooza Music Festival. And on top of all
that, she has also modeled for independent clothing companies such as Killigraphy and

“People really love her and gravitate toward her because they can really relate,” said Slick
Watts, former Underground Music Award Winner. “Her fans are die-hard fans and we plan to
take it to the next level in 2018 and she’s about to take it to the next level. She has a strong
following, and now it’s about getting her as much exposure as possible. Once the masses get a
chance to hear Kelz and see the work that she puts in, the sky will be the limit.”

To listen to Kelz’s music, or to follow her on social media, please visit:

Snapchat – kelzo520
Kelz Kelz – Bleezy –
Kelz Kelz – Bodak Yellow –
Kelz Kelz – Dear Darla (Radio hit) –