Memphis Lawyer Holding Nursing Homes Responsible For Neglect and Abuse

Industry Spotlight

Memphis Lawyer Holding Nursing Homes Responsible For Neglect and Abuse of the Elderly

Did you know You May Qualify for Compensation If Your Loved One Was Neglected in a Nursing Home? If not it’s okay, most people don’t.  The last thing you ever want to imagine is that the people who helped raise you have now become victims of verbal, mental, and physical abuse by the very people you pay to take care of them. Memphis Lawyer Cameron Jehl Sr. said that enough is enough. Don’t waste another moment wondering why your elderly relatives are not enjoying their senior residential stay and take action.

Jehl Law Group

5400 Poplar Ave #250

Memphis, TN 38119

Telephone: (901) 322-4232

Fax: (901) 322-4231

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