[EP] Xilla ‘Yucca:Volume 1’ | @xilla__


Xilla is the product of experience, diligent work, and real hip hop mixed with the unabashedly real New Mexican vibe you get from years in the game. His work ethic and music speaks for itself with bars over bullshit. You can catch him making music, honing his craft, learning each avenue of the music business and doing so with precision and skill. He represents NM with his hometown of Albuquerque and brings his unique approach to hip hop by using all what’s real and rejecting the false.

Direct Link: https://open.spotify.com/album/4ARbvZ1IL5gVb9HYBhNn1B?si=TyCgMsosTpmqW41WA2aEpw&utm_source=copy-link
